Tuesday, August 18, 2009

food for thought

i mused the engima of skin color not too much taking it as just part of life...

now with a tad of research and much sorting and reading of histories and lore...

these are a few possible reasons...

the lack of water...

or something far more insiduous...

brave explorers sojourned into the area known as cairo...

and discovered negros...

not brainy humans...

but vegetable based lifeforms...

remember rocky...

sylvester stallone (the raging vegetable) and apollo creed (the dauntless avenger)...

the sphinx and osiris...

while these vegetable life forms may seem to do things in a peculiar manner, they're methodology probably produces much produce as in more negros and vegetable based lifeforms...

and to muse what externalities and internalities drive these vegetable life forms...

these vegetable life forms wants you to be like vike...

non moving non communicative...

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