Wednesday, December 31, 2008

save the trees

a partridge in a pear tree

slow down the lumber mills...

recycle paper properly...

how does one biodegrade paper back into the good earth?

this and more will be discovered at my comic book resource...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

save the music

one the first day of christmas my true love gave to me

a partridge in a pear tree

form your own chorus caroling line and save the music...

Saturday, November 22, 2008


We recognize that human prosperity will be acquired through fair labor practices and human grant endowments with utmost consideration given to environmental issues.

Monday, November 17, 2008

fudgie the whale

carvel ice cream cakes may be larger than life...

go to the wailing wall...

and you may indeed be walking in a winter wonderland...

never in a million or so years did england suffer so much passion, england wears no crown...


Saturday, November 15, 2008

constellation consternations

stern or port
nyu or lewis and clark

cistern or portcrx

listen to route 66

gallup to caliboe, new mexico...

the relics of saint timothy...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


civilization's temples...

owl's of js bach...

bachman turner overdrive...

bent bachman's zones...

tina turner's spiral...

lens overdrive's plextor...

support your local bent...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

as always ALL are welcome

in an open and prosperous civilizations, utmost consideration must be given to all aspects of life's growth...

how can you make your civilizations be more open and prosperous?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

masterpiece theatre

if you've ever watched these precious gems on public broadcast stations in your area you will be delighted...

and the delights of the masterpiece collection from infocom will stun your mind and sensations of hallucinations...

now if you may share these hallucinations into a multi user shared hallucination with the drive of steve jobs of apple it will be awesome...

how do you like your hallucinations? be mushy like advanced dungeons and dragons...stormreach...

how about muddy waters?

Saturday, October 4, 2008


content means...

that's contentment...

is that what content meant?

ninety (90) days in the bank

the food kind...

the wood kind...

the water kind...

seek contentment...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

eiffel tower

I have been wanting to visit the eiffel tower in paris for the longest time...

Paris is trumpeted in Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn's Funny Face...

the trois arcs of triumph...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

separate your refuse

if somebody walked up to you and stated you have nice feces, mayhap you may be stunned...

on deeper reflection... the light of organizing and separating your refuse may bring your soul and spirits to higher levels of love and tranquility...

a place for everything and everything in its place...

a place for everybody and everybody in its place...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


humankind has been existing the earth for millions of years...

now about 230+ or so nations have grown from this birthing...

people have labored and loved for untold eons...

now i declare in all that is good and holy that ALL humankind be blessed with mirth and merits of money (currency) from all civilizations...

liberty and justice for all...

grant us all this in living color...

Monday, September 22, 2008

fitness quest

today i had a bit under 4000 calories...

tomorrow i will have about C calories...

being too heavy is not good for your fitness...

being too light is not good for your fitness...

where will i find my fitness range...

there is something called a body mass index (bmi)...

consult your doctor to see these numbers...

Friday, September 12, 2008

cable select

those eide hard drives with the jumpers...

remember to select and choose your cables for networking carefully...

Monday, September 8, 2008


once more into the forays of law school...

will this be my chosen year...

only time will tell...

i urge your fellow bretheren to journey into the quagmire of the juris doctorate zeniths...

be all that you can be...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

safety dance

i believe sites such as mapquest, mappoint, and mapblast should be banned on account of safety reasons...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

bush's baked beans

from the jersey shore
to the sands of tripoli
ishmael's whaling beach
stonehenge's door
fifesdom of towers's penelope
argyle's beseech

then there was bush...

the bush pilots...

the inner fire...

Friday, August 29, 2008

today in history

TAX amounts of buildings were architected, designed and erected...

TAX is symbolic of...

a variable...

as with a variable you need to think of it in terms of sun microsystems javascript language?

var TAX as string = 'Morrison Knudsen'

the famous and renowned engineering and architecture firm...

var TAX as buildingobject

buildingobject.3drendering = 'architect's not so intelligent design'

the concept to medium (ieee network layer 2)

var TAX as string = 'breach of duty damages'

the coefficient of safety as well as the future value of the savings needed to upkeep, maintain, and safely tear down said building

Thursday, August 28, 2008

tad williams

much like theodore roosevelt and much more ancient...

he began his career with tailchaser...

lest vous begin thy careers with hailchaser... and mayhap hurricane chaser...

memory thorn and sorrow series is stunning...

astounding thicket of lore and ancient metaphors...

shut up

toronto blue jays sky dome style...

a door in your roof addition to view the celestial sea...

joe carter's world series winning homerun says to make it so...

therefore it is time to welcome back carter...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


i remember fondly the nickel and dime store...

the world wrestling federation (world wildlife fund)...

it goes a little something like this

+w+                        +w+
+++         +w++w+         +++
      +w+   ++++++   +w+      
   +w++++            ++++w+   
   +++   +w+      +w+   +++   
         +++      +++         

worlds without borders and with governorships

in the near to far future I foresee the olden days coming back to light, the age of love and high human quality standards of living...

where cultures of ancient civilizations are honored for their goodness and issues expounded upon through careful governorship...

the united states of america MAY indeed have some lost culture through the colonization process...

the prime directive of goodness must come into mind, when in paris, do as the parisienne's do...

before there was Caesar, there was the holy romans...

before there was Herod, there was the spirited kindred athenians...

before there was King Tut, there was the meccas of the egyptians...

before there was Gandhi, there was the fascinations of the indians...

after Caesar, there will be Vanessa Carlton

after Herod, there will be Donna Foerst

after Kind Tut, there will be Halle Berry

after Gandhi, there will be Queen Helen

with kind dictatorships comes great wonders built with the labors of love of humanit's soul, spirit and sweat...

with cruel dictatorships comes squallor and decay, why it may be quagmires, it is an insane burden on thy senses...

if a dictator is cruel I say depose him or her into a retirement community and let the wonderous visions of kindred spirits rise to dictatorship and sew and transcend all time with monumental feats...

why does hate exist?

when someone grabs that seat you were going to sit on, claiming some right is that hate?

after about four hundred million years of human existence (400,000,000 years) I wonder what humanity has learned about coexistenting more than just peacefully, coexisting lovingly...

the goodness of the granted gifts of nature and life must be sewed toward eternity, infinity and forever, and therefore the enduring labors of love and productivity must continue...

Monday, August 25, 2008

junkyard dog

whilst the wonderous oonstruction heavy equipment machinery by the renowned caterpillar is indeed awesome to behold, it behooves me to expound of the hazard and breach of duty of not properly disassembling and recyling all of the caterpillar machinery.

this to me is a no brainer whilst the world work force productivity may stand at 51%, the idleness may indeed be the work of a great blight as the tolls and toils of wear and tear may indeed lead to poisoned lands...

it is not difficult at all to proper ensure the proper use and recycling of heavy equipment...

when yous take the time and effort to design more heavy equipment, take time and effort to recycle it properly...

junkyards may have a abstract impressionististic merit though the harm they cause doth indeed outweigh any of these merits...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

walking in a winter wonderland

amy grant...

sleighbells ring, are you LISTENINGS?

on the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a partridge in a PEAR TREE...

shirley jones
david cassidey
susan dey
danny bonaduce

Thursday, August 21, 2008


most peoples have customs that have developed over epochs of time...

are humans unmovitaved?

i believe not, on account of the fact there is so much left undone and undisocvered, I believe that the suppressive forces of the political-socio-economic system can hinder the full development of the human spirit. Why do a few members of society deem it necessary to do injustice? Is it on account of mental illness? Well mental illness can lead itself to a cacauphony of splendid cultures with epiphanys...

i would like to run for the president of the whole world with one motto in mind, infinite wealth and currency for all...

i am sure we can work out the governing details...

i know this philosophy would win...

no more lives torn apart, no more wars to start...

the first commandment is to love one another and to take care of the world...

there are more and more details to be taken care of, so let's get going shall we?...

may the glories of the loving human spirit shine forever to infinity and beyond...

Monday, August 18, 2008

skyscrapers of the first seal?

well the monuments of the skyscrapers are indeed a tauntingly hauntingly gauntingly gamut of creation...

with time may come wear and tear, whilst this may not be a horrible thing, it may be hazardous much akin to the likes of the leaning tower of pisa...

issue number one...

the skyscraper named ___

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


with global access to stock markets trading comes an untold increase in risk of labor and stock devaluation...

make sure your bank discloses some sort of financials as to how it attempts to make profits for the bank, the employees and the customers...

an educated consumer is our best customer...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

wonders whys

thats why...

unicorn wise...

honeycomb honeycomb...

flailed flailed...

Thursday, August 7, 2008


it behooves to message the revelations of the christianity...

with the advancement of time...

the existentialism of buddhism and christianity coalesced into the faith known as islam, as an offshoot of hinduism...

Friday, August 1, 2008

vending machines

pennyoyer and neff redux..

traveling with a beta version on the toad to niagara falls with my old school dell laptop and a fancy smancy usb evdo verizon broadband adapter...

i rested at a rest stop and procured a thirst quenching bottle of pepsi...

my subconscious said it was seti...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

tunnels and trolls

i remember fondly the game of tunnels and trolls and drew a few erie correlations with the 9/11 world trade center tragedies...

Monday, July 21, 2008

of lice and len redux

recently i have endeavored to foray into the agrichemistry field with tads of dabbling with fruits, vegetables and plants proprogation, with not much success i deem that more trials are necessary in order to research the correct methodology of horticulture...

one quandary i muse is thus, if successful propogation of the food supply chain is achieved, can soil depletion be avoided...

Thursday, July 17, 2008


several weeks ago, I procured two gold fish in the hopes of growing and taking care of them. alas alack, these fish did not last long, the first one died the first day while the second died the second day...

mayhap we should grow goldfish and give them a proper mummies' burial...

Friday, July 4, 2008

support our community website

Send lots of checks, cash, coins, currency as soon as possible...

Monday, June 23, 2008


bad business i doth declare...

safety dance be ordained...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

play the field

reviewing the julie andrews hills are alive with the sound of music

do a female deer
mcgraw hill

ray a drop of golden sun
murray hill

mi a name I call myself
microsoft hill

fa a long long way to run
grant hill

so a needle pulling thread
solsbury hill

la a note to follow so
capitol hill

ti a drink with jam an bread
faith hill

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

this be thee clue

i don't have a clue...

eye dent heve thee klew...

thee knew peer yereck well...

Friday, May 23, 2008

deep dish of feep fish


according to a cbs world news, salmon are disappearing, and to my dismay that is my deep dish, the feep fish we must build are fisheries...

Thursday, May 22, 2008


calculating pi is no small feat and indeed musing pi is the issue at hand...


where is your slice of your neck of the wood pi?

are you privy to thee pi of your eye...

yes mayhap you shall become a pi (public investigator) and learn more about the history and health of your pi...

and mayhap you can ascend to the apex and be like pi ramses...

pinky did indeed receive the keys to the necks of the woods...

does your brain communicate with pinky...

are you thinking what i'm thinking...

Saturday, May 17, 2008


pathos can be so low that it tunnels its way into you inner being, bringing about feelings of doubt, despair and various health maladies...

there are indeed pathoses that lead to the light at the light at the end of that dark tunnel...

trolling your way into these byways can lead you to add additional neurons to the...


the train transportation operations systems...

do not despair for your may indeed fulfilling roots in your states of pathos...

pathetic is not it...

pathos is knot it...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

a tree grows in brooklyn

plant some trees and fallow your humble abode...

Monday, April 28, 2008

if it isn't broken, don't fix it

firstly we must identify what is it?

then we must think is it broken?

then we must identify ways to fix it...

so where is it...

i must have lost it somehow...

mayhap it will come back to me...

oh mothers where fore art thou?

alas poor yorick, i knew him well...

don't escape from hell...

light the inner fires of your bell...

nature's hunger quell...

fortune's tell...

lest us commune with our green shell...



smokey the bear

only you can prevent forest fires...

only you can save the forests!

10 years and counting...

anybody remember bambi?

save water...

watership down...

remember don't water it down...

but to water down...

Friday, April 25, 2008

sierra mist

the 7up and sprite like thrist quencher imbibes my digestive tract with juicy succulent delight...

as with a birthing lass, the wee babe cries...

and sierra madre cries for water...

sierra madre mist...

lest us not forget sierra leone mist...

can ruben sierra save sierra madre mist?

aye there may be no joy in muddville, for ruben has struck out...

say it aint so, i will not go, turn the lights out carry sierra madre mist home...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

going green

with greenhouse, comes plants and flowers...

plants and flowers need water, air and sun...

therefore as a proponent of tobacco companies, do not inhale lighted up tobacco products as per bill clinton...

align these tobacco products in a greenhouse as per elton john's candles in the wind...

for further greenification, do not use the stove or oven, use blankets if you get cold...

turn off all the electricity in your house and live a life as a friendly denizen of the forever knight world...

all we need now is for washington and the bush crew to rediscover the lost compact of the teal founder's brigade...

Friday, April 18, 2008



henry ford's great lakes model t...

the united arab emirates river jordan...

is that real enough for you...

i ran from the swarovski link...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

is hillary clinton an almond joy, mounds or what?!?

whilst i be a hillary clinton supporter, i must bring this to the light of thy knowledge...

almond joy got nuts, mounds don't

i proclaim that almond joys must win the presidency...

there are nuts from a long derivative of nuts (sexual intercourse)...

from what i understand there must exist mounds from a long derivative of shambling mounds...

oh my...

i'll back hillary clinton as long as she is an almond joy...

i say we have a one in three chance of being nuts...

here is my guestimate

hillary clinton--an almond joy
barack obama--a what?!?
john mccain--a shambling mound

therefore the only answer is hillary clinton...

i'm nuts therefore i could be wrong...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

sad songs say so much

happiness from the depths of tears' ground waters is quite amazing...

i oftentimes listen to numerous melancholic songs ad infinitum...

i muse the depths of sorrow and quench and temper the souifire sword...

i highly recommend the memory, thorn and sorrow series of books by tad williams...

on a more dark tainted note, i endeavor to tackle issues such as violence, poverty, apathy...

have a great day and mayhap one yonder day we may partake in quenching over some starbucks coffee...

no not paul coffey of the edmonton oilers...another slapstick

Sunday, April 13, 2008

let stand one minutes

knot this one minute per some frozen food microwave dinner instructions...

the mind boggles...

do you understand this?

a one night stand exists not...

unless you procreate...

zero in on the miracle of birth...

and let stand one minutes...

wait nine months...

a the sphinx riddle may crawl into thy frontal cortex...

not four pawed...

knot four kneeded...

let stand one minutes...

stand up and be counted...

take note...

when upright...

the hydrogen tree...

the sundance tribecca film festival...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


for the people by the people...

the world nations have prospered and grown for thousands and mayhap millions of years...

the problems are war, famine, poverty, plague, pestilence...

the governance of the people to promote the growth and prosperty of the world's populace can be quite problematic with power struggles...

governing the people is quite a joyous daunting task...

i seek to continue the glory of the goodness of life in throwing my gauntlet into the political collage...

mayhap it is nigh time for you to join you proximity's political collage...

why not fade in?

is your nation ready for prepared with plans for crises...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

blue plate special

enya's carribean blue sirens the songs of the ocean's depth...

the vertigo of the whirlpool of the water's lullaby bequeaths me with a fear of heights...

as i ascended toward the gas giants, my ear drums dirged their ghastly resonance...

soon i shall partake in the sailing journey on the blue danube known as the hackensack river...

avast ye mateys...

welcome aboard...

Friday, April 4, 2008

ordinal history

once upon a time, many milleniums ago, before the flight of hans solo millenium falcon...

there existed four axis civilizations...

nowadays they are known as...

united kingdom

something to chew on are the original names of the four original axes...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

butterscotch krumpets

i wandered and meandered my way into a local rite aid store and was delighted to discover a old high school lunch room treat known as the butterscotch krumpet from tastykake. not to be confused with a plasticvodka trumpet...

i wolfed down the delectable edibles in a few chews of my mandible and drooled with delight...

i'm heralding the coming of the butterscotch trumpet...

i hope this doesn't cramp your style...

namely indigestion...

the kutterscotch brumpets antacid...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

squeezing blood from stone

i've worked for a healthcare facility and witnessed the running of the bulls...

patients came to and fro and there was much blood drawn from the ailing patients...

now comes the musing of squeezing blood from stone...

the bloodied stones of the bladder comes to mind...

yes massaging the good earth to produced bloodstones is the issue...

you can feed a man with fish for a day, you can teach a man to fish for a lifetime...

you can sell a man a bloodstone for a day, you can teach a man to squeeze bloodstones for a lifetime...

objection wailed the good the good earth sighed in relief...

time for global releaf...

yes red rain is falling down all over me...

Monday, March 24, 2008

fasting buddha

while the yo yo diets comes to mind...

the doo doos of the fasting kind illuminates us all...

join the fasting buddha gourmand diet...

and be one with nature...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

big east

tournament starts this wednesday at madison square garden...

i saw the epic battle between two new jersey titans and boy was it exciting...

the immersive experience at the prudential center in newark was astounding...

a little factoid i discovered is that the NIT tournament is still the tournament of tournaments, it preexisted the NCAA tournament...

strike up the band...

Thursday, March 6, 2008


it is nigh time to follow...

fallow the fields of gold...

here is a buried lost lore...

autumn and falbak are not the same...

when leaves start to fall from trees it is the season of falbak (sp?)...

it is time to fallow the fields of gold...

this means, yea, it means that it is nigh time to harvest the fruit of the deeds...

yes autumn and falbac are supposed to be concurrent seasons...

when autumn pumps up the volume...

falbac sends the volume to destruction...

let us honor our ancestors and society by following...

fall ow yea the big hurt frank thomas says to make it so...

just do it...

are you following this portense...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

of sherwood forest

robin hood, renown for a champion of the impoverished must have gazed longingly at the lush verdant earth toned flora, fauna and foliage of the delightfully rich sherwood forest. the forest whispered with mysteries of the ancients as friar john partook in the fastening with sherwood forest.

friar john: 'harken to the age...the robin has left his nest for the feasting on the worm...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

knights of the round table

the legend of stonehenge unfolds

?shi? and galahad

tristan and isolde

?helene? and ?nigel?

are you ready for some football?


violets are blue, roses are red, and i love you

with the passing of another saint valentines day, i muse the deeds of saint valentine...

love is a wonderous bouquet of flowers...

how i love thee, let us count the ways...

violets are blue...

reds are yellow...

mayhap your valentine be mother nature...

the colors of the rainbow delight thy senses...

as your fabled courtyard fountain garners picket fences...

i attended a hackensack river keepers volunteer appreciation dinner and it was a most wonderous thing. we had a raffle with prizes for the attendees and i almost won a bowl of seashells.

mayhap you may decided to start a love affair with mother nature...

tryst or treat...

what kind of lawn doctor will you be?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

saint charles place

taking a fond memory of the monopoly board game i discovered a lovely attire maker when i went to a local starbucks and procured the new york times...

i fell in love with the attire maker and was filled with warmth and exuberance in the delight of window shopping for attire...

lest us not hesitate to discover Charles Tyrwhitt

a seamster from jolly old London...

i love the justin lilac prince of wales and lemon pinpoint seasonal classic shirt...

Monday, February 18, 2008

wake up and smell the cheese

cheese is quite pungent and much likened to smelling salts...

the waft and smell of dairy products are sure to please thy orifice known as your mouth, lips, tongue and teeth...

for those with cow's milk intolerance the creation known as veggie shreds may delight thy mind and fill thy spirit...

i partake in the breaking of the cheese and this snapshot doth sayeth cheese...

praytell this view just isn't cheesey enough...


gateway computers dictates that anykey, i mean anarchy, is too cheesey...

cut the cheese, and smell the odor of your eternal flame...

flame on, going supernova...

you are hired and may theodore roosevelt never get fired...

time to check out on president's day...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

common ground

the sidewalks, streets, and avenues you put your feet upon are common ground...

the roadways, highways, bridges and tunnels your automobile's tires rubber doth slip and spin upon are common ground...

the airways, hallways, and buildings you work in are common ground...

and the plane of existence upon which you gaze are common ground...

will you be shocked by common ground...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

of lice and len

i remember when my high school announced a screening procedure for lice, i was inundated with a feeling of dread...

when that fateful day passed and my hairy scalped was deemed free of lice i breathed a sigh of relief...

now a length time has passed and i peer through reflection's lens to ponder the signficance and meaning of lice...

the length of lice is four...

lice is timeless and thusly a precious harvestable treasure...

albeit as icky as it may seem...

lice does a body good...

drink lice, i say thee nay, it may be like milk, but not suitable for liquid thirst quenching...

beat like mike, like life and grow lice?...


eat like al, ike life and row lice?...

Monday, February 11, 2008

about time

today is February 11, 2008

so tomorrow is February 12, 2008

but wait tomorrow may be February 11, 2009

that would make the day after February 11, 2010


until the day becomes February 11, 2400

then it would be February 12, 0001

we have the month day and hour, anybody remember what year it is?

ha ha time's up...

and casey has struck out...

there is no joy in mudville...

remember colombus day...

it's a wonderful life

for fans of the movie, one my don memory's garment and reminisce fondly about the bells of angel clarence...

for those who have not had the honor of the view, it is about the intracate tapestry of the bonding of beings and their complicated relationships...

when a bell rings, an angel goes to heaven...

and in the words of the famous poet edgar allan poe, for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee...

for those who have not a clear vision...try partaking in the feast of bell peppers...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

babies R us

yes as a wee lad, i have went through much...
partakained in the sights and sounds surely of awe...

yet is has come time for me to drop anchor...

the shore of infinity is awashed with colors of my bloodied past...

it is nigh time to do the future...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

fiddler on the roof...




the running of the bulls...

dow 30000...
dow 30000...
dow 30000...

hurrah yea...

the running of the bulls in spain...


nay sirrah...

the tour of duty in india of the cows...

hurrah yea...

thusly in order for the dow to reach 3M, MMM, 1,000,000,000...

i do declare we must ordain a holy cow day and set the cows free to roam for 40 days and 40 nights...

phil rizzuto praise echos for eternity...

let the running of the bovines aka bullvines begin...

yes that does mean lou ferrigno's bruce banner hulk...

and mayhap not the attack of the killer tomatoes...

Friday, January 25, 2008

the hills are alive with the sound of music

do a deer a female deer...
anita hill...
ray a drop of golden sun...
murray hill...
mi a name i call myself...
mcgraw hill
fa a long long way to run...
grant hill...
so a needle pulling thread...
hill street blues...
one tree hill...
microsoft hill
la a note to follow so...
capitol hill...
ti a drink with jam an bread
faith hill...

so it behooves me to declare that hill street blues just does not fit the bill of capitol hill...

i've never heard of a microsoft hill...

soooooo it may be the adirondacks...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

breakfast at tiffanys

if anybody has watched the film, it is surely a stirring movement of the sorrow of the human condition...

yet love conquers all and thusly, may you find love...

drop me a line and mayhap we can arrange a meetup at tiffany's in good old manhattan...

Saturday, January 5, 2008

the postman cometh

i overheard a tongue in cheek story and i thought i would share it with you dear audience...

much along the the lines of the postman always rings twice

there existed a bird of paradise in a pagoda, living a peaceful existence...

now this parrot needed to be fed the seeds of change and as always the postman always delivered...

then one fine day, the parrot developed the art of gab...

and thusly it went a little like this...

the parrot would chime 'who's there?'

and the postman would reply without fail 'the postman'

the parrot would chime once again 'who's there?'

and once again the postman would reply without fail 'the postman'

this went on for what seemed like an eternity until the postman's song lapsed into syncopated unconciousness...

the postman power on self test dwindled his manna...

thusly the postman learned much of the songs of his countenance...

as the parrot developed death dirge discipline deterrance...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

HOV (The Car Pool)

With the dawn and blazing inferno of the information superhighway, one is left to navigate the enormity of the internet cloud in a miraculous flying carpet mechanism...

alas this highway is so expansive that one may wander into a cesspool of mystery science theatre...

and without another passenger to gaze upon the countenance of surreal delights, one is left with the musings of one's own mind...

albeit wonderously philosophical, it may be prudent to take a more social relationship approach...

start a car pool and with thy high occupancy vehicle journey onto the nooks and crannies of the internet to share a moment...

a moment not to be missed is here...