Friday, January 25, 2008

the hills are alive with the sound of music

do a deer a female deer...
anita hill...
ray a drop of golden sun...
murray hill...
mi a name i call myself...
mcgraw hill
fa a long long way to run...
grant hill...
so a needle pulling thread...
hill street blues...
one tree hill...
microsoft hill
la a note to follow so...
capitol hill...
ti a drink with jam an bread
faith hill...

so it behooves me to declare that hill street blues just does not fit the bill of capitol hill...

i've never heard of a microsoft hill...

soooooo it may be the adirondacks...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

breakfast at tiffanys

if anybody has watched the film, it is surely a stirring movement of the sorrow of the human condition...

yet love conquers all and thusly, may you find love...

drop me a line and mayhap we can arrange a meetup at tiffany's in good old manhattan...

Saturday, January 5, 2008

the postman cometh

i overheard a tongue in cheek story and i thought i would share it with you dear audience...

much along the the lines of the postman always rings twice

there existed a bird of paradise in a pagoda, living a peaceful existence...

now this parrot needed to be fed the seeds of change and as always the postman always delivered...

then one fine day, the parrot developed the art of gab...

and thusly it went a little like this...

the parrot would chime 'who's there?'

and the postman would reply without fail 'the postman'

the parrot would chime once again 'who's there?'

and once again the postman would reply without fail 'the postman'

this went on for what seemed like an eternity until the postman's song lapsed into syncopated unconciousness...

the postman power on self test dwindled his manna...

thusly the postman learned much of the songs of his countenance...

as the parrot developed death dirge discipline deterrance...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

HOV (The Car Pool)

With the dawn and blazing inferno of the information superhighway, one is left to navigate the enormity of the internet cloud in a miraculous flying carpet mechanism...

alas this highway is so expansive that one may wander into a cesspool of mystery science theatre...

and without another passenger to gaze upon the countenance of surreal delights, one is left with the musings of one's own mind...

albeit wonderously philosophical, it may be prudent to take a more social relationship approach...

start a car pool and with thy high occupancy vehicle journey onto the nooks and crannies of the internet to share a moment...

a moment not to be missed is here...