Wednesday, August 27, 2008

worlds without borders and with governorships

in the near to far future I foresee the olden days coming back to light, the age of love and high human quality standards of living...

where cultures of ancient civilizations are honored for their goodness and issues expounded upon through careful governorship...

the united states of america MAY indeed have some lost culture through the colonization process...

the prime directive of goodness must come into mind, when in paris, do as the parisienne's do...

before there was Caesar, there was the holy romans...

before there was Herod, there was the spirited kindred athenians...

before there was King Tut, there was the meccas of the egyptians...

before there was Gandhi, there was the fascinations of the indians...

after Caesar, there will be Vanessa Carlton

after Herod, there will be Donna Foerst

after Kind Tut, there will be Halle Berry

after Gandhi, there will be Queen Helen

with kind dictatorships comes great wonders built with the labors of love of humanit's soul, spirit and sweat...

with cruel dictatorships comes squallor and decay, why it may be quagmires, it is an insane burden on thy senses...

if a dictator is cruel I say depose him or her into a retirement community and let the wonderous visions of kindred spirits rise to dictatorship and sew and transcend all time with monumental feats...

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