Sunday, August 31, 2008

bush's baked beans

from the jersey shore
to the sands of tripoli
ishmael's whaling beach
stonehenge's door
fifesdom of towers's penelope
argyle's beseech

then there was bush...

the bush pilots...

the inner fire...

Friday, August 29, 2008

today in history

TAX amounts of buildings were architected, designed and erected...

TAX is symbolic of...

a variable...

as with a variable you need to think of it in terms of sun microsystems javascript language?

var TAX as string = 'Morrison Knudsen'

the famous and renowned engineering and architecture firm...

var TAX as buildingobject

buildingobject.3drendering = 'architect's not so intelligent design'

the concept to medium (ieee network layer 2)

var TAX as string = 'breach of duty damages'

the coefficient of safety as well as the future value of the savings needed to upkeep, maintain, and safely tear down said building

Thursday, August 28, 2008

tad williams

much like theodore roosevelt and much more ancient...

he began his career with tailchaser...

lest vous begin thy careers with hailchaser... and mayhap hurricane chaser...

memory thorn and sorrow series is stunning...

astounding thicket of lore and ancient metaphors...

shut up

toronto blue jays sky dome style...

a door in your roof addition to view the celestial sea...

joe carter's world series winning homerun says to make it so...

therefore it is time to welcome back carter...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


i remember fondly the nickel and dime store...

the world wrestling federation (world wildlife fund)...

it goes a little something like this

+w+                        +w+
+++         +w++w+         +++
      +w+   ++++++   +w+      
   +w++++            ++++w+   
   +++   +w+      +w+   +++   
         +++      +++         

worlds without borders and with governorships

in the near to far future I foresee the olden days coming back to light, the age of love and high human quality standards of living...

where cultures of ancient civilizations are honored for their goodness and issues expounded upon through careful governorship...

the united states of america MAY indeed have some lost culture through the colonization process...

the prime directive of goodness must come into mind, when in paris, do as the parisienne's do...

before there was Caesar, there was the holy romans...

before there was Herod, there was the spirited kindred athenians...

before there was King Tut, there was the meccas of the egyptians...

before there was Gandhi, there was the fascinations of the indians...

after Caesar, there will be Vanessa Carlton

after Herod, there will be Donna Foerst

after Kind Tut, there will be Halle Berry

after Gandhi, there will be Queen Helen

with kind dictatorships comes great wonders built with the labors of love of humanit's soul, spirit and sweat...

with cruel dictatorships comes squallor and decay, why it may be quagmires, it is an insane burden on thy senses...

if a dictator is cruel I say depose him or her into a retirement community and let the wonderous visions of kindred spirits rise to dictatorship and sew and transcend all time with monumental feats...

why does hate exist?

when someone grabs that seat you were going to sit on, claiming some right is that hate?

after about four hundred million years of human existence (400,000,000 years) I wonder what humanity has learned about coexistenting more than just peacefully, coexisting lovingly...

the goodness of the granted gifts of nature and life must be sewed toward eternity, infinity and forever, and therefore the enduring labors of love and productivity must continue...

Monday, August 25, 2008

junkyard dog

whilst the wonderous oonstruction heavy equipment machinery by the renowned caterpillar is indeed awesome to behold, it behooves me to expound of the hazard and breach of duty of not properly disassembling and recyling all of the caterpillar machinery.

this to me is a no brainer whilst the world work force productivity may stand at 51%, the idleness may indeed be the work of a great blight as the tolls and toils of wear and tear may indeed lead to poisoned lands...

it is not difficult at all to proper ensure the proper use and recycling of heavy equipment...

when yous take the time and effort to design more heavy equipment, take time and effort to recycle it properly...

junkyards may have a abstract impressionististic merit though the harm they cause doth indeed outweigh any of these merits...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

walking in a winter wonderland

amy grant...

sleighbells ring, are you LISTENINGS?

on the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a partridge in a PEAR TREE...

shirley jones
david cassidey
susan dey
danny bonaduce

Thursday, August 21, 2008


most peoples have customs that have developed over epochs of time...

are humans unmovitaved?

i believe not, on account of the fact there is so much left undone and undisocvered, I believe that the suppressive forces of the political-socio-economic system can hinder the full development of the human spirit. Why do a few members of society deem it necessary to do injustice? Is it on account of mental illness? Well mental illness can lead itself to a cacauphony of splendid cultures with epiphanys...

i would like to run for the president of the whole world with one motto in mind, infinite wealth and currency for all...

i am sure we can work out the governing details...

i know this philosophy would win...

no more lives torn apart, no more wars to start...

the first commandment is to love one another and to take care of the world...

there are more and more details to be taken care of, so let's get going shall we?...

may the glories of the loving human spirit shine forever to infinity and beyond...

Monday, August 18, 2008

skyscrapers of the first seal?

well the monuments of the skyscrapers are indeed a tauntingly hauntingly gauntingly gamut of creation...

with time may come wear and tear, whilst this may not be a horrible thing, it may be hazardous much akin to the likes of the leaning tower of pisa...

issue number one...

the skyscraper named ___

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


with global access to stock markets trading comes an untold increase in risk of labor and stock devaluation...

make sure your bank discloses some sort of financials as to how it attempts to make profits for the bank, the employees and the customers...

an educated consumer is our best customer...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

wonders whys

thats why...

unicorn wise...

honeycomb honeycomb...

flailed flailed...

Thursday, August 7, 2008


it behooves to message the revelations of the christianity...

with the advancement of time...

the existentialism of buddhism and christianity coalesced into the faith known as islam, as an offshoot of hinduism...

Friday, August 1, 2008

vending machines

pennyoyer and neff redux..

traveling with a beta version on the toad to niagara falls with my old school dell laptop and a fancy smancy usb evdo verizon broadband adapter...

i rested at a rest stop and procured a thirst quenching bottle of pepsi...

my subconscious said it was seti...