Wednesday, March 31, 2010

work's homework

the relentless pursuit of perfection-lexus

world class-buick

remember to do your work's homework...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


of the declaration of independence by the renowned john hancock, i believe with his right hand he wroteth hancock as the first signature and with his right hand he wroteth john with his left hand as the last signature

this is all hearsay though the founding fathers surely knew...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

paradoxes of endearment

in the words of edgar allen poe for whom the bell tolls, it toils for thee...

as with global warming and space bite (the frost bite of absolute zero vacuum space) there are a lot of perils going out into the wilderness of night alone and unprepared...

so in the words of the good book, don the breastplate of righteousness and be a light upon the word as you journey into the great outdoors...

Monday, March 8, 2010

half and half circle

at retirement age of about 65, i hope to have acquired 180 contact degrees that i will write a personal 7 minute blurb each and everyday till i shed my mortal shell, who will part of your half and half circle...



somewhere in the arid desert regions of the middle east around iraq and ancient babylons lays the seed of tomorrows power distribution systems...

with rationing of only six hours of electricity per day the subtil beauty and sublime rationale is a sensation symphonic caucophony of tapestried lightning with a choir of angelic thunder...

this is false

alkaline batteries of the cylones of battlestar galactica running with the undertow of saint peter and saint timothy reveals that the truth is indeed out there somewhere with extraterrestrials...

this does indeed compute...