Monday, November 23, 2009


the die is cast in the elemental die cast planes of existence

are we ready to die...

d double
i implosion
e encumberance

are we all to die...

we will surely die...

just hear my plea...

bring our lives past the die...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

weeks dazed

monday - muslim
tuesday - judaism
wednesday - christianity
thursday - paganism-budhism
friday - folklore
saturday - hinduism
sunday - spirituality

celtic resettlement

the celtics were the original tribes on the isles of briton and it behooves me to implore the world to restore the lands which were of the ancient celts to merry old england...

it seems to me through many crusades and conquests the holy roman empire did indeed eradicate the celtic tribe...

such a shame and tragedy when a nobel tribe of humankind has been so unjustly treated...